[University of Guelph logo appears with upbeat background music playing]

[Text on screen reads:]

GREAT at U of G




“I am so grateful for your daily contributions that make U of G a place we can all be proud of. Thank you for the unique ways you contribute, for the times you go above and beyond to promote a caring and connected campus community, and to Improve Life.” – Martha Harley, AVP Human Resources


[Daniel Atlin, Vice President (External) speaks to camera in University Centre courtyard. U of G logo appears with his name.]

“The new GREAT initiative is so important to me because faculty and staff and everyone who works here are the most important asset the University has.

And I think these times in particular it is very difficult to recognize everything they do so that’s why I think the GREAT initiative is extremely important. ”

[Gwen Chapman, Provost and Vice-Chancellor speaks to camera outside on U of G campus. U of G logo appears with her name.]

“We are nothing without our staff and without our faculty. This past year has been very challenging. There has been so much disruption whether people have been working from home with the challenges that has caused, or whether they’ve been on campus, it’s been difficult.

And I think it’s important that people hear, that we know the challenges that people have been experiencing and how appreciative we are of their hard work, their dedication and continuing to do their work and work together here.”

[Malcolm Campbell, Vice President (Research) speaks to camera in University Centre. U of G logo appears with his name.]

“You know, at University of Guelph our ambition is to improve life. And there is just no way that one could improve life without the incredible dedication of fantastic faculty and staff.

And what’s great about GREAT is that it does just that. It recognizes those fantastic faculty and staff, the incredible role that they’re fulfilling here that truly enable us to realize our ambition, to improve life.

During difficult times we come together and people continue to do their best to help. Whether it’s with our students, whether it’s the research being done here and whether it’s the various services that are provided. So that we can together improve life. ”

[Daniel Atlin, Vice President (External) speaks to camera in University Centre courtyard]

“I’m grateful everyday that I’m able to work with such wonderful people at the University of Guelph. Our staff and faculty are unparalleled. Their ability to approach problems and support our own internal community and external community as well as one another is something that actually really makes me proud. ”

[Malcolm Campbell, Vice President (Research) speaks to camera in University Centre]

“There are many things that I’m grateful for, I lead a truly privileged life. But amongst those things that I hold most precious, that I’m grateful for, is the fact that I have an amazing job here at University of Guelph. Where I work together with absolutely tremendous people to try to realize some pretty spectacular outcomes. What more could you be grateful for?”

[Gwen Chapman, Provost and Vice-Chancellor speaks to camera outside on U of G campus]

“Thank you to everybody for hanging in there, for your good humour, for your hard work, for your dedication. Together we have gotten through this time and will continue to.”

[Malcolm Campbell, Vice President (Research) speaks to camera in University Centre]

“It goes without saying that we’ve been going through some fairly tough times. We’ve been going through them together.

And that’s the important word, together. Collectively we’ve really done a lot of heavy lifting, a lot of hard work at some really taxing times and that’s why GREAT is so important.

It’s an opportunity to recognize the contributions that everyone has been making to get us through this tough time. And we will get through this tough time and we’ll be better for it on the far side. That’s what we have to think about as we continue to work together.”

[Daniel Atlin, Vice President (External) speaks to camera in University Centre courtyard]

“While we are challenged in the fact that we’re all working in different ways than we did a year ago, I think it is so important for us to recognize the contributions that everyone is making from their own different places. Whether it’s on campus, whether it’s off campus. And also balancing their amazing family demands and own household circumstances. So, I just want to thank everyone for everything they’re doing.”

[Gwen Chapman, Provost and Vice-Chancellor speaks to camera outside on U of G campus]

“Thank you.”

[Malcolm Campbell, Vice President (Research) speaks to camera in University Centre]

“Thank you very much.”

[Daniel Atlin, Vice President (External) speaks to camera in University Centre courtyard]

“Thank you.”

[GREAT at U of G banner image appears on screen with Gratitude Recognition and Employee Appreciation Together title and the University of Guelph Human Resources logo]

[Text reads: Thank you U of G staff and faculty for all the ways you contribute and Improve Life. www.uoguelph.ca/hr/appreciation-recognition-home]

[Voice of Sarah Joosse, Wellness@Work Coordinator begins to speak]

“Explore the GREAT at U of G website for research-supported information, resources and tools to help you facilitate acts of gratitude, appreciation and recognition and further build them into our U of G culture. Send a Custom Kudos or nominate a colleague or team for the “G” Thanks! program. On the website, you can read best practice examples from departments at U of G, view upcoming events, and provide your feedback on the initiative. Thank you for all the ways make U of G a wonderful place to work!”

[Background music fades]

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